Sunday, December 30, 2012

Selecting Apps and Websites

Helpful Math Apps and Websites:

  1. Trig Pro
  3. Khan Academy Pre-Calculus 

Math isn't my strongest subject and i can use as much help as possible. From the four apps and tools listed above i was able to grasp a better and more detailed idea of Pre-Calculus. The reason I chose to try out Trig Pro was because it was an app recommended by my math teacher. When i first downloaded this app, I noticed there were many different terms and lesson to choose from. For example, there was a unit circle section, where a completed unit circle was completed. Recently, being introduced to the unit circle, this app was very handy. Online Math Learning is a tool i have used with my previous years of math, when i was unsure of something. This website offers lessons on almost every possible math there is. Whenever i needed to look up something on pre-calculus, i was able to review other elements of math that were related to what i was studying. For example, I heard about Khan Academy a couple years back, and i heard it was a very helpful math site. I decided to try it and I loved it. There various videos that taught math in a way i was able to understand. When i was informed that there was a Khan Academy app, i  had to download it. Just the thought of having a helpful tool whenever i needed it, lightened the worries i had about math. The Math Page was something new to me. As i researched helpful math tools, was one of first results to come up. I decided to see what if offered. As i explored the web page, i saw that there different math terms, equations, definitions, and explanations that could potentially be helpful for Pre-Calculus.